【锦盛蛋糕屋 - “Doi Doi”的千层蛋糕】
如果你们到了 #巴生 想要买一些 #伴手礼 回家,你就应该到1977年就开始营业至今的锦盛蛋糕屋购买蛋糕。偷偷告诉你们,香兰草层蛋糕第一人就是锦盛蛋糕屋的老板噢wow~ ⊙o⊙。他家的蛋糕除了最出名的香兰草味,还有榴莲和芋头口味,有选择困难症的你们呢,可以选择mix 2种口味,#banyak pilihannya~~口感绵密不干,价格亲民不贵,味道甜而不腻,噢~
战前老街总店: 70, Jalan Raya Timur, Kawasan 1, 41000 Klang, Selangor
Google map :https://goo.gl/maps/RGHZ1V7h8bEyYWJDA)
印度街分行:10, Jln Tengku Diauddin, 41000, 41000 Klang, Selangor
:早上9时30分 - 下午5时
#Mydetravel #Tourismmalaysia #悠游马来西亚 #FuninMalaysia #旅游大马 #小镇旅游 #大马美食 #souvenir #layercake #pandan #durian #yam #千层蛋糕 #锦盛
Regent Pandan Layer Cake Shop is the cake shop which operated over 40years, the founder of this shop had developed the first pandan layer cake.
Beside that, the shop also launched 2 different flavor, which is durian and yam, it taste sweet but not too over, and the texture is fine. The pandan layer cake will be your choice to buy as a souvenir if you love dessert.